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Curriculum exchange discussion and Review Workshop (e-REET)

The 2 days workshop on – “energizing higher education-Renewable Energy for Economic Transition (e-REET)” on October 20 – 21, 2022, organized by Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the tropics and Subtropics (ITT), TH Köln, Germany, and Kathmandu University (KU), Nepal has been successfully conducted. As a part of the collaboration, Prof. Dr. Ram Chandra Bhandari from TH Köln and Prof. Dr. Sunil Prasad Lohani from Kathmandu University is leading this project, which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD). The workshop was attended by 30 participants representing from government, private sector, and academia on 20th October 2022.
The program commenced with welcome remarks and a workshop introduction from Prof. Dr.Lohani and Prof. Dr.Bhandari. Prof. Dr. Lohani (Lead-RSEL) then presented briefs on the KU MPPOES (Master’s in planning and operation of energy system) course update and directed attention to necessary areas where improvement on the program curriculum could be made. Following that, Prof. Dr. Bhandari shared a course update on the Renewable energy management program of ITT TH Köln and pointed out challenges in course structure, and compared the two university’s curricula. The open discussion session was organized in the second half of the session where different views from academia, private, and government sectors were shared and scrutinized. A new course curriculum for the KU MPPOES program in Energy Policy and Energy economics was proposed and discussed in another open discussion session with participation from all the experts as well as the students.
With useful insights from experts, enthusiastic participants from academia, government, and private sectors, discussion sessions, and feedback from the representatives, the workshop helped to identify not only challenges in the current curriculum structure but also gave a clear picture of nooks and corners where necessary steps should be made to improve the course content of MPPOES program. The workshop also aided the understanding of the importance of teaching and learning energy economics and policy courses for the upcoming generations.
The overall program has enlightened all the representatives and authorities and the outcome of this workshop will indeed reflect in the curriculum.

ForHimSDG workshop was organized with the following objectives:

● To share the status of the MPPOES program and its curriculum offered at KU and the REM program and its curriculum offered at ITT, TH Köln, Germany
● To discuss the proposed new course curriculum on Energy Policy and Energy Economics to be offered at the MPPOES program at KU as an elective course.
● To explore further opportunities for collaboration among academia, government, and non-government and private sectors.